Monday, November 19, 2007


She oozes attitude from every pore on her body, but is unaware of how much it holds her back. It weighs her down when she walks, as if there were bricks chained to each of her ankles. And the expressions bound to her face are cold and far away, as if something at the core of her is missing. She speaks with a light, mellow voice; almost comforting, but topped with disgust for everything she speaks of. Her posture is off. She is ungraceful, unapproachable. She's a bomb, always most peaceful before the chaos. You never quite know what will set her off and when you do, her eyes are piercing and her sharp words will slice through you and sting for hours afterward. She is ruthless, but I've seen her sweet side. I think she's abandoned it long ago.


Anonymous said...

who is this about?

Bethany Barnett said...
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Anonymous said...

Thats very interesting
Either this is a poem about you or another, that you feel is really a ruthless vulgar individual.
Yet, dont let actions nor words deceive you...
There is good in everyone love,
they may not show it
but its there.